Belarusian Yearbook 2022


Доступность: На складе

Belarusian Yearbook 2022 presents a comprehensive analysis of developments in the key segments of the state and society in the year 2021, which served as a transition from the political crisis of 2020 in Belarus toward the global security crisis of 2022 in the region. The forced landing of the Ryanair aircraft at the Minsk airport and artificial migration crisis on the border with Poland and Lithuania, the de facto war with civil society and “foreign trade miracle”, the regime’s counterrevolution and social polarization, relocation of social activists and business — these are the factors that shaped the sociopolitical agenda of the period under review.

  • Код товара: br000590
  • Издательство: Vilnius
  • isbn: 1822-4091
  • Тип товара: Бумажная книга
  • Язык: Английский
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